
Friday, September 23, 2016

you will be angry you will make your brains bad you will pass away its because of deivice lets say no to games and device

Do you like your xbox 360 do you like PS3 do you like your Computer do you like arcade well they are stupid and useless do you know why well you came to the right spot and you Want to know well here is my reasons

My first reason why the devices are bad because they make you very dumb
Do you know how, well if you're in a holiday and you play games all the time
And then holidays is finished then you go back to school and you got a
Reading test and you don't read properly then, it's all because of the gaming
And that's how devices will not make you intelligent.

My second reason about devices is that devices can attract you
Well I was watching  Nigel Latter on channel one and I saw this boy playing
8 hours of game called legends of zelda , who the heck will a person play 8 hours of games .and by The way in the weekends this boy plays legends of zelda for 12 hours all because he want to be the famous youtuber in new zealand, I mean what's so cool about youtubing and that's how the device attracts you.

For summary  games are one of the hopeless things because people can die from devices and if you have a phone then you will be bullied to some people can stalk you while texting and that's why digital stuff is bad I think all the device should now live in the rubbish bin!
Hello my name is aryan and today I am showing you my movie me and my friend tristan made a movie script
together  it took weeks  to make a script about ants so sit back and relax and enjoy the movie thank you

most smart ninjas of all time

Friday, September 16, 2016

Look at this

This term I have been learning to describe what my friends and I are doing using simple sentences.

To be  succsessful we need to:
know the kupu Maori for me (ahau) you (koe) he/she (ia)
Use E aha ana to ask (what)

I think learning this was alright. I enjoyed communicating with people in Te Reo Maori. I want to become more confident and learn more words. I did not feel that successful because it was hard to remember