
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Being A Good Friend
I think being a good friend is the best delightful thing to do. It's so simple and if you want to have a nice idea to make friends so listen to this explanation writing.

Being a good friend means to have a great heart to your mates.if someone is getting bullied don't just stand there just go and support him or she that's when he wills say (thank you) and he will be your friend. Another way of making friends is to help the new students if there is someone who has NO! Idea to go to the classroom just go and say ( Are you lost) or (Do you want to go somewhere then he or she might say yes i want to go to the classroom then take and guide him or her to the classroom.

NOW! I will talk about how to be a good friend.If you are saying bad things or gossip about your friend thats called NO FRIENDSHIP but if you are being nice to everyone and do fair things to your friends that's called YES FRIENDSHIP.If your are showing your waka hoe to your friends and invite everyone to play sports with you that's called YES FRIENDSHIP But if you want to be very cunning and don't let anyone play with you that means NO FRIENDSHIP.

Well that's how you be a good friend it's so simple all you gotta do is help someone be kind to each individual around you so be positive not negative.

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